For security reasons (Vigipirate plan), the entrances to 15 bis, 23 and 37 bd Jourdan and 7 rue Emile Faguet are currently closed. All other entrances remain open.
Thank you for your understanding.

Hospitality is a strength
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acc&ss in figures

7 169
people supported by acc&ss Paris
of requests concern entry and stays
registrations for Welcome Desk Pro
90 707
unique users on

Hospitality is a strength

You are going to undertake a study or research stay in Paris or the Ile-de-France region. This stay will give meaning to your projects, your career and your life. The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris is at your side before, during and after your stay to make it as successful as possible. The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris has always been a pioneer when it comes to international mobility and welcoming international students and researchers. For nearly 20 years, with the support of the City of Paris and the Île-de-France region, it has been developing personalised welcome services, dealing with all questions concerning mobility and the integration of international students and researchers regardless of whether or not they are campus residents.

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they talk about it

We are by your side to help you get settled in, manage the formalities, learn French, integrate into student communities and, more generally, to help your flourish in your new life.

Laurence Marion, General Delegate of the National Foundation of the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris

Discover the Acc&ss service


The International Mobility Welcome department of the Cité internationale will help you to prepare for your stay and everything you need for the arrival procedures (visas, residency permits, right to work, health insurance).  

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There are a number of ways to find accommodation in Île-de-France. But finding a suitable place can be a long and complicated process. We will help you find accommodation in or around Paris, in particular with local partnerships.

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Transport in Île-de-France, opening a bank account, getting a phone number, finding a school, going to the doctor, acc&ss Paris-Île-de-France will do its best to answer your practical questions and direct you to the right place if needed.

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The acc&ss Ile-de-France network regularly suggests cultural activities and tips for international doctoral students and researchers.


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Do you want to learn French or perfect the language? We will help by providing you with a number of resources for learning French online or in the library as well as a number of possibilities to learn French on campus and other ideas for improving your French.


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Maison internationale
21, bd Jourdan 75014 Paris


Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday and Friday, 9am to 5pm
Wednesday, from 1pm to 5pm
Thursday, from 2pm to 5pm

By video appointment only on Wednesday morning by clicking here



If you’re living at the Cité internationale and you are looking for help, psychological aid, are facing financial or legal difficulties, struggling with access to rights, health issues, handicap, addiction, are a victim, facing family difficulties, supporting a parents or need parental or emotional support then you can contact the Relais social international (RSI).


Hospitality is a Strength

Because mobility is an accelerator of skills, because diversity favours scientific progress and because the quality of reception is an asset for higher education institutions, we aim to be an incubator of good practices in terms of reception.

Got a question ?

We are at your disposal if you need any details or information about our activities.