For security reasons (Vigipirate plan), the entrances to 15 bis, 23 and 37 bd Jourdan and 7 rue Emile Faguet are currently closed. All other entrances remain open.
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History of the house
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A dediacated and professionnal team
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The house in figures

year of creation
ukrainian residents
events in 2022-2023
collection and emergency centre


From the beginning of the conflict, the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris wanted to welcome and support students, researchers and academics affected by the war in Ukraine. In order to finance this project, it asked the architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte to imagine a virtual House of Ukraine to give an identity to this project. With the help of patrons and donors, this project has become a tangible reality. The 43 houses on the campus will be hosting visitors, with a particular focus on country houses, under the banner of the House of Ukraine. A range of assistance and services has been put in place to meet the specific needs of its residents in addition to accommodation.

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They talk about it

The Maison de l’Ukraine allows many Ukrainian students to find a home. It also allows us to share our cultural identity and to imagine the future.

Myroslava, ukrainian, resident at the Fondation Deutsch de la Meurthe

Upcoming events

Thanks to its 43 houses, the Cité internationale offers a rich cultural and artistic programme to all audiences, as well as debates on the major issues of the contemporary world: concerts, screenings, conferences, exhibitions, shows, etc. Discover them in our CitéScope cultural calendar.

Find out about the support and services offered

A collection and emergency centre

Since the beginning of the conflict, an emergency centre for collecting basic necessities has been set up thanks to the help of mobilised campus residents and the association Aide Civils Ukrainiens. Located in the heart of the International House, it is open to all.

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Welcoming talents

Students and researchers are housed in the 43 houses on campus. The Cité internationale intervenes with its support fund, always in addition to the aid to which the residents of the Maison de l’Ukraine are entitled. It pays the rent for many students who do not yet have the resources to pay.

Supporting their success

Residents are supported throughout their stay: financial aid, social, psychological and medical support, access to services (central library, sports activities, music studios, etc.), learning French as a foreign language, guidance in their university studies, assistance from the emergency reception centre set up on campus at the start of the conflict, access to campus facilities and sports activities.

Find out more about the Relais social international
Preserving the Ukrainian youth and academic community

Beyond the assistance and services made available, the Cité internationale’s ambition is to preserve the future of these students and researchers by constituting a common network and allowing these talents to remain connected to the youth of the world. For this reason, a partnership agreement was signed with the Ukrainian Global University on 21 July 2022. This partnership allows us to maintain the academic and scientific continuity of Ukrainian students and researchers enrolled in higher education institutions in Paris. 


The Maison de l’Ukraine works thanks to the professional and dedicated teams of the 43 houses of the Cité internationale. Whether they are in charge of reception, planning, maintenance or security, they are all committed to ensuring that your stay in your house runs smoothly.  


This is your campus, so take part in the organisation of its social and cultural life! Each year, residents are elected within the house that welcomes you. They are responsible for the animation and representation of the residents to the administration of the house. We also encourage the involvement of our residents in collective projects and in the organisation of cultural or artistic events.

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Contact the Maison de l'Ukraine

This form should not be used for housing applications. No answer will be given. For housing applications, you must go to the following

  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

17 boulevard Jourdan
75014 Paris

The collection centre

Collection open every day
From 6pm to 8pm
Maison internationale | Salle Haraucourt


The Cité internationale is a unique campus in the world. Located in a 34-hectare eco-managed park there are numerous on-site services to make your daily life easier as well as the possibility of proposing and showcasing projects that are close to your heart.


The Cité internationale is a campus unlike any other and by joining the campus you will share in its values: tolerance, respect, solidarity. Our residents can testify to this.