Diversity as a source of richness

The values of sharing and tolerance are at the origin of the creation of the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris. Operating in a fertile multicultural environment, its residents are fully aware that diversity is an extraordinary source of mutual enrichment. Every year, a number of deserving French or international students find themselves in difficult financial situations due to limited family resources or scholarships that do not cover all their needs. To encourage them, the Cité internationale offers them scholarships to extend their stay at the Cité internationale under the best conditions. 


The Cité Internationale scholarship programme offers us not only the opportunity to focus all our energies on our studies by guaranteeing us some financial security, but also the moral and professional support of a mentor. 

Mary, 2019-2020 delegate of the Cité Internationale Fellows

The format of the merit and commitment scholarships

The purpose of the merit and commitment scholarships is to cover the total amount of the monthly rent (up to 500 euros) due for the occupation of an room in one of the houses of the Cité internationale and to open access to all the services offered on campus: sports, cultural activities, central library, language centre, support and information services (acc&ss Paris centre), social, medical and psychological support from the relais social international (RSI), and participation in resident campus life initiatives. This format of scholarships is unique and complementary to the other scholarships to which French students, international students, artists and high-level athletes are entitled.

Mentors essential to the success of the project

For many years, the Cité internationale has developed expertise in the reception and operational management of scholarship students. For the success of this project, it has joined forces with several economic partners who are also interested in the success of deserving students, particularly for their recruitment policy, and who will be able to participate in the selection process of the winners. These corporate patron can also, for those who wish to do so, contribute to the optimal integration of their scholarship holders into the world of work by appointing a mentor for each scholarship holder from among their employees. The role of these mentors will be to meet regularly with the scholarship holders, to accompany them in their integration and discovery of French culture and to advise them in their future professional orientation.


13 May 2024: launch of the call for applications in the houses

13 May 2024: withdrawal of the application pack and the programme rules including the conditions of eligibility and the list of documents to be provided from the houses

17 June 2024: deadline for withdrawal of the application pack and the rules from the houses and for submitting the application online

18 June-12 July 2024: examination of the applications end

September 2024: meeting of the grants award committee


Support us

The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris was born of the generosity of major donors in 1925. Even today, the Cité internationale lives on patronage thanks to the support of its donors and companies who are committed to making sense of the world and enabling its residents to study in optimal conditions. Encouraging access to knowledge and mobility for the world’s youth, promoting solidarity and humanist values and acting for a sustainable world are the major challenges that the Cité internationale has set itself.

Promoting solidarity and humanist values

The Cité internationale engages in projects with collaborative values and connects residents from different backgrounds. It encourages cultural, intellectual and entrepreneurial initiatives that aim to give meaning to the world. Faithful to the values of its founders, it makes them radiate to the greatest number, on the one hand, by accompanying residents who need help to blossom and succeed and, on the other hand, by welcoming and developing open innovation and experimentation to build the world of tomorrow.