For security reasons (Vigipirate plan), the entrances to 15 bis, 23 and 37 bd Jourdan and 7 rue Emile Faguet are currently closed. All other entrances remain open.
Thank you for your understanding.


Friendly, collaborative, bold and appreciative, this is the vision of human relationships that inspires us every day. With all of our actions we take care of our employees by giving them motivation, a sense of being part of a team and fulfilment in their work. We aim to promote diversity, provide a healthy work environment, integrate new employees, promote team working where everyone can realise their potential and develop training opportunities.


At every stage of implementing our strategies and pursuing our goals, we are guided by collaborative work, respect for individuals, integrity and excellence.

We are looking to develop a feeling of belonging, to reinforce professionalism in a team and to develop their employability by:

  • Developing individual management of career, skills and integration
  • Providing employees with tools that allow them to place and express themselves: job descriptions, shared goals, yearly individual assessment reviews etc.
  • Promoting a sense of community and relational intelligence that allows a manager to understand a particular situation and behave appropriately in response to it. Equality is a factor in harmony.

We advocate for and transmit a culture of equality on a daily basis. We focus on the equality between men and women as our professional equality index shows every year. We also advocate for disability awareness by participating in Duo Day every year.


Convinced that an HR department should aim to support every employee, we offer new employees a personalised integration process. Guided campus tours allow you to get to know the houses and the park better. A tutor will welcome you, help you get to grips with your role and introduce you to our values and projects.

they talk about it

The tutoring programme is a true asset. The employees feel better integrated and meet their colleagues in different departments more quickly.


Bruno Masson, HR manager

How we operate

Training: to develop skills

Because training is a tool for developing individual and collective skills we are committed to the professionalism of our employees. There’s a personalised response to make the available training visible and a training passport is implemented. Our training plan takes into account the needs identified during the yearly training evaluation.

An organisation that adapts

Our HR department systematically takes care of the changes that have an impact on how the Cité internationale operates, its way of working and how it communicates. Working from home has also been extended in 2020 by offering up to two days remote working per week for employees where this is possible.

Closer to workers

We carry out concrete actions in order to develop a feeling of belonging and to promote exchanges between workers: moments of sharing and conviviality in the park or houses, the annual “talents of the Cité” exhibitions, meetups in cafés in other buildings that allow people to discover the architectural richness of the campus.


The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris is unique campus in the world. Every year it welcomes 12,000 students, researchers and artists from 150 nationalities in its 43 houses. It doesn’t offer teaching but an original model of collective living. An ideas lab for thinking about the world of tomorrow, the Cité internationale is a City-world in the heart of Paris.



See our current employment and internship offers. Your point of contact will be the HR professionals and then the managers of the service in question.



Got a question ?

Need more information about our jobs? We are at your disposal and will answer as soon as possible.