For security reasons (Vigipirate plan), the entrances to 15 bis, 23 and 37 bd Jourdan and 7 rue Emile Faguet are currently closed. All other entrances remain open.
Thank you for your understanding.

A response to the increasing precariousness of students

The Room for success scholarship programme was launched in November 2022 with the support of the Bolloré Group in response to the increasing precariousness of students. Since 2020, the Cité internationale has recorded a tenfold increase in requests for emergency support. There are many reasons for this: currency devaluation of income from abroad, insufficient hourly pay for their student job, interruption of family financial support, suspension or cancellation of internships or student jobs, increase in the cost of living, etc. Thanks to this program, the assistance provided by the professionals of the relais social international to the most vulnerable residents is strengthened.


The Bolloré Group’s philosophy of solidarity is rooted in the need to support the ambitions of the younger generation. It responds to the economic and social challenges to be taken into consideration during the current period in which the most vulnerable must be supported.

Dorothée Van Der Cuyssen, Director of International Solidarity Commitment and Patronage, Bolloré Group

Excellence scholarships on academic and social criteria

The Room for success scholarships target the residents with the greatest financial difficulties. They are allocated to about twenty students, researchers, artists or high-level sportsmen and women who are most in difficulty after a social assessment (living expenses, difficulties that do not allow for traditional solvency through CROUS aid and traditional student employment). They provide a targeted response to the specific nature of the crisis and aim to provide material security to the most vulnerable residents as part of their social, medical and psychological support by financing all or part of their housing costs until they can stabilise their budget.

The scholarship will be paid in the form of a contribution to accommodation costs. The amount of the scholarship will vary according to the needs and difficulties encountered by the laureates and the fund’s endowment.

Several application review sessions will be organised during the year. Applications will be examined by an RSI social worker, who is bound by professional secrecy. A committee will select the scholars on the basis of their precarious situation. It may be made up of the General Delegate and/or the Deputy General Delegate, the Director of the DAMI, the Director of Accommodation or his/her representative, the Director of Finance or his/her representative and one or two house directors.

Apply for a scholarship at the relais social international

If you are a resident at the Cité internationale and you are facing major personal difficulties, you can apply for a Room for Success scholarship at the relais social international.


Support us

The Cité internationale universitaire de Paris was born of the generosity of major donors in 1925. Even today, the Cité internationale lives on patronage thanks to the support of its donors and companies who are committed to making sense of the world and enabling its residents to study in optimal conditions. Encouraging access to knowledge and mobility for the world’s youth, promoting solidarity and humanist values and acting for a sustainable world are the major challenges that the Cité internationale has set itself.

Promoting solidarity and humanist values

The Cité internationale engages in projects with collaborative values and connects residents from different backgrounds. It encourages cultural, intellectual and entrepreneurial initiatives that aim to give meaning to the world. Faithful to the values of its founders, it makes them radiate to the greatest number, on the one hand, by accompanying residents who need help to blossom and succeed and, on the other hand, by welcoming and developing open innovation and experimentation to build the world of tomorrow.