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Interview with the Director of the Maison de Tunisie

Tell us about your background and your arrival at the Cité internationale.

Being an academic myself and having assumed responsibilities concerning higher education in Tunisia, I am familiar with the world of students and research. From the beginning I subscribed to a logic of continuity because I think that it’s the best way to achieve your goals. But continuity doesn’t mean the absence of innovation, on the contrary, it improves what already exists and introduces the new.

The defining feature of such an institution whose traditions are well anchored in the life of the cité and Paris, is that everything must meet shared standards and values and that everything must perform well.

They should live in the best possible conditions and they must be helped to learn the rules and philosophy of living together in the cité. At the same time, they should be encouraged to take part in collective activities and be up-to-date on all activities that may interest them. An entire teaching method of proximity is put in place so that they can both feel at home and profit from this great opportunity of being a resident at the Cité internationale.

What do you think makes the Cité internationale a unique campus in the world?

The common values that are shared by all of the houses, the cultural openness that the Cité internationale offers, the rich and prestigious history of the campus and the continued and permanent developments make the campus a city in the city. The Cité internationale is a place of diversity and extremely rich and varied cultural mixing and is truly unique in the world.

How does living in your house allow residents to have a different outlook on the world and how is it a spring board for their futures?

The various testimonies collected over generations of residents at the Maison de Tunisie and in a general manner at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris always highlight the pride of having been a campus resident. This passage represents a real opportunity in life. The multicultural experience and the relationships and friendships that are made here are an asset for the young residents throughout their professional careers.

If you had to sum up the Cité internationale in one word, what would it be and why?

Two words come to mind to sum up my description of the Cité internationale: friendships and tolerance. Schools and universities train our young residents in a discipline and the Cité internationale trains them to be true “citizens of the world”.

Mohamed Karim JAMOUSSI, Tunisian Ambassador to France and President of the Foundation

Mohamed Karim Jamoussi was appointed as the Tunisian Ambassador to France on the 12th of September 2020. A trained lawyer, he has previously held important political positions. Having a master’s degree in law from the faculty of law and political science in Tunisia, Mohamed Karim Jamoussi was the Minister of Justice in 2018, the interim Minister of Defence in 2019 and Secretary of State for State Domains from 2014 until 2015. He held different roles at the Administrative Court from 1994 until 2011. In 2012 he became the Chief of Staff to the Minister of Development and International Cooperation. Mohamed Karim Jamoussi was also a teacher at the Ecole nationale d’administration and is a former member of the Comité national d’éthique médicale.