For security reasons (Vigipirate plan), the entrances to 15 bis, 23 and 37 bd Jourdan and 7 rue Emile Faguet are currently closed. All other entrances remain open.
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Interview with the Director of the Collège d’Espagne

Tell us about your background and your arrival at the Cité internationale.

Having been a student in Paris between 1966-68 and then 1972-73, I came back in 2012 as Education Councillor to the Spanish embassy after a long career in politics and administration. In December 2018 I was appointed as the Director of the Collège d’Espagne at the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris.

What do you think it is that makes the Cité Internationale a unique campus in the world?

The values that inspire it and that bring together students from more than 150 countries.

How does living in your house allow residents to have a different outlook on the world and how is it a springboard for their futures?

The demand to live in our house is very high. The diversity of knowledge, the multiplicity of experiences and the different cultural origins of residents makes it a very rich experience.

If you had to sum up the Cité Internationale in one word, what would it be and why?

Togetherness. You only need to walk in the park to understand the universality of living together.


José Manuel PINGARRÓN CARRAZÓN, Secretary General for Universities and President of the Foundation

Since 1994, he has been the Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Complutense University of Madrid where he received his bachelor’s degree and doctorate. He did his postdoctorate at the Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie in Paris and taught at Cornell University (USA) as a visiting professor. He has published 450 articles in international journals, written 35 book chapters, two textbooks and participated in patents eleven times. He is chair of the Spanish Advisory Council for Science, Technology and Innovation whilst fulfilling the role of Secretary for the Research and Development Commission of the Conference of Rectors of Spanish Universities.